4 top inspiring books you’ll be happy to read
This year has been quite inspiring. Definitely, it has been a year of learning and acquiring knowledge. And that’s because I was able to do it at my own pace, with attention and passion.
It’s true that, due to the pandemic, lots of professionals started to share valuable content on Social media. At one point, I had so many Instagram lives conferences to catch up with that, once we could eventually socialise, I was tempted to stay home to go through the valuable content.
Don’t worry, I didn’t… but still, during this time, I discovered people, professionals, who were willing to keep the conversations flowing, the human contact thriving and above all, the knowledge circulating within the community. I took notes and references. The best of it all is that I started reading again. Just like these professionals, I want to share with you the top 4 books which inspired me in my professional and personal life.
# 1: Feck Perfuction by James Victore
Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Life
Since I finished reading this book (I read it in one evening), I always keep it at arm’s reach. James Victore, an established designer, shares some precious advice to apply to our lives (as a creative or not). And he does it in a very bold and energetic way. His way of approaching themes such as perfection, ego, confidence is convincing and attractive. It has this effect of grabbing my floating feet and pulling them back on the ground.
# 2: Creative Confidence by Tom Kelley and David Kelley
Unleashing the creative potential within us
If you are still thinking you are not creative, this is the book that will prove you wrong. We are all creative! Creativity is no longer seen as a skill only a few genius artists or creatives are lucky to have. It is an approach to problem solving.
Tom Kelley partners up with his brother for this life-changing book. This book pushes us to break away from our usual problem solving patterns and use our creativity as a powerful tool for our personal and professional lives.
# 3: Designing your life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans.
How to build a well-lived, Joyful life
Life is probably the most difficult thing to design. Bill Burnett and Dave Evans use the Design Thinking mindset to create useful tools and exercises to find our purpose and build a meaningful life.
Did I find my purpose and have I since then built a meaningful life? I don’t know! But what I do know is that I am in the process of doing it and every time I feel doubt or lose focus and motivation, I go back to some of the exercises from this book.
# 4: Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller.
Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
Probably the most serious book of the 4, but also very straightforward and revealing. Donald Miller explains how all stories are built on the same 7 elements and how these can be applied to Business and Communication strategy. The 7 steps Story Brand method is actually the same for screenwriting, storytelling or marketing. It allows us to understand the basics of storytelling as well as customer centricity.
We tested the exercises with the WeCanvas team and we think it really can help businesses to define their story and messages by making their customer the hero of the story instead of the business itself (which becomes the guide who helps the hero to overcome his problem). Do you want to be the hero of our story?
It is hard sometimes to find time to read but one thing I have learned this year is that it is essential to trying to become a better professional and person.
Let us know if you have read any of these or if you have any other recommendations on our Linkedin Post comments